Knoxscape deep thoughts
Thursday, August 28, 2003
One of the hundreds of people running for California governor is Garrett Gruener. His Blog can be found here Garrett Gruener for Governor - Bold Ideas for California.

I suppose that it makes sense that a former high tech executive politician would have a blog. He was behind the search engine Ask Jeeves. It's worth a look at his site.
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
AOL launches blogging service: "America Online on Monday launched a new feature called AOL Journals in an effort to piggyback on the grassroots popularity of Web logs, or “blogs.”"

You can tell something is becoming mainstream on the internet when both AOL and Yahoo offer it. I read the other day that Yahoo is offering blogs in Korea, no doubt a prelude to when they will be offered on the main site.

Google already has blogging - yes, that's what you're seeing here. MSN is behind. Again.
Monday, August 25, 2003
DMA Plans Spam Sting: "Under the plan, the DMA would investigate and otherwise support law enforcement authorities in identifying and gathering information on spammers breaking current spam laws"

This is setting the fox to guard the henhouse. The DMA (Direct Marketing Association) defines spam as fraudulent email, instead of the commonly accepted definition:

Spam is unsolicited, bulk email.

You can bet that the DMA will find that none of its current members are spamming under their definition. The DMA is looking for something to do now that "Do not Call" phone blocks are in place.
Smaller food portions may explain the 'French paradox' of rich foods and a svelte population

It's all about Calories In - Calories Out. Eat what food you like, just don't eat so much of it.
Friday, August 22, 2003 Chicago Tribune launches first Weblog It's interesting how fast the cultural phenomena of blogging is becoming mainstream, such as this article that discusses a Chicago columnist having a blog.

In a current article he discusses another phenomena of flash mobs. I first encountered the concept of a flash mob more than 30 years ago in a novel by Larry Niven.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
SMTP+SPF: Senders Permitted From: "SMTP has a security hole: any connecting client can assert any sender address. This flaw has been exploited by spammers to forge mail. Close the hole, and we can easily block spammers by sender domain"

We're all interested in the battle against spam. Here's a mechanism for checking if an email came from a legit source.
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Alyth McCormack - Gaelic Singer from the Isle of Lewis featuring her solo CD release An Iomall/The Edge

Clanger is recommending this singer.
Monday, August 18, 2003
LookSmart's Microsoft deal looks rocky | CNET "Web search technology provider LookSmart could face significant revenue losses, as its largest customer, Microsoft, continues to test its own search tools" You will remember I talked about who would be left out in the cold in the search engine consolidation that's occurring.
Monday, August 11, 2003
Thanks For the Spam

I think the concept of requiring computational effort by the sender to deter spammers is a worthwhile one. I will be further investigating this.

Saturday, August 09, 2003
InformationWeek > Search Engines > Google To Offer News Alerts > August 7, 2003: "Web search leader Google has launched a breaking-news notification service. It's building on its News portal by letting users define personalized alerts that are sent to them via E-mail"

It's interesting how Google continues to expand its offerings. Expansion of its capabilities definitely put it on a collision course with portals such as Yahoo and MSN. How far is it from having a news portal to having a full fledged portal?

Sunday, August 03, 2003 - health & science: "Relationships in which the couples start out being more similar in their emotional responses seem to have the best chance for success, new research shows". A quick and interesting read.

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